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2017-10-20 14:24:55 15


Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web.

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2018-02-20 12:45:43 1
Profile picture of Alex  Stuple
Alex Stuple
Posted: Feb 20, 2018

I am creating a small site (don’t know much about script or programming) and I want to show a dropdown containing multiple values, but I want to categories those values. Is there a way to implement it without any code?

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Profile picture of Wajih Qidwai

Wajih Qidwai Feb 20, 2018

you can use <optgroup> in <select> tag like this:
<optgroup label="US">
                <option value="NY">New York</option>
                <option value="NJ">New Jursey</option>

<optgroup label="AU">
                <option value="SY">Sydney</option>
                <option value="ML">Melbourne</option>


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